Understanding Data Poisoning: How It Compromises Machine Learning Models

Marin Ivezic
9 min readJul 20, 2023


Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) have rapidly transitioned from emerging technologies to indispensable tools across diverse sectors such as healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. Their capacity for data analysis, predictive modeling, and decision-making holds enormous transformative potential, but it also introduces a range of vulnerabilities. One of the most insidious among these is data poisoning, a form of attack that targets the very lifeblood of ML and AI: the data used for training.

Understanding and addressing data poisoning is critical, not just from a technical standpoint but also due to its far-reaching real-world implications. A poisoned dataset can significantly degrade the performance of ML models, leading to flawed analytics, incorrect decisions, and, in extreme cases, endangering human lives.

What is Data Poisoning?

Data poisoning is a targeted form of attack wherein an adversary deliberately manipulates the training data to compromise the efficacy of machine learning models. The training phase of a machine learning model is particularly vulnerable to this type of attack because most algorithms are designed to fit their parameters as closely as possible to the training data. An attacker with sufficient knowledge of the dataset and model architecture can introduce ‘poisoned’ data points into the training set, affecting the model’s parameter tuning. This leads to alterations in the model’s future performance that align with the attacker’s objectives, which could range from making incorrect predictions and misclassifications to more sophisticated outcomes like data leakage or revealing sensitive information.

The impact of data poisoning can be subtle, making it difficult to detect through conventional validation techniques like k-fold cross-validation or holdout validation. It often requires specialized anomaly detection algorithms or model auditing techniques to identify the manipulations. Furthermore, the effect can be cascading, affecting not just the primary ML model but also any downstream applications or decision-making processes that rely on the model’s output.

Types of Data Poisoning Attacks

Label Flipping

In a label-flipping attack, the attacker intentionally reverses the labels for selected data entries within the training set. For classification tasks, this means that data points representing one class are labeled as another. Technically speaking, consider a binary classification problem with labels yÎ{0,1} yÎ{0,1}. The attacker would flip the label y to 1-y to for selected samples in the training set. This confuses the learning algorithm and impacts the decision boundaries it constructs, leading to erroneous classifications.

Outliers Injection

In outliers injection attacks, the attacker introduces data points that are significantly different from the existing data but labels them in a manner that distorts the model’s understanding of the feature space. These data points can be multivariate outliers that lie outside the distribution of the genuine training data in the feature space. When algorithms like k-NN ( k-Nearest Neighbors) or SVM ( Support Vector Machines) are used, these outlier points can have a disproportionate effect on the decision boundaries, leading to misclassifications.

Feature Manipulation

Feature manipulation involves altering the features or characteristics of the data points in the training set. This could range from adding noise to numerical features to introducing subtle artifacts in image data. For instance, in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) used for image recognition, injecting pixel-level noise or adversarial patterns into the training images could lead the model to learn incorrect representations. This type of attack is particularly nefarious as it may not affect the training accuracy but will degrade the model’s generalization capability on new, unpoisoned data.

How Data Poisoning Affects Models

Performance Degradation

Data poisoning often leads to a decline in the model’s performance metrics, such as accuracy and precision. The impact can be localized to specific classes, making it challenging to detect. For instance, in algorithmic trading, a slight decrease in predictive accuracy can result in significant financial losses.

Decision Boundary Distortion

Poisoned data can distort the decision boundaries that the model learns, affecting its ability to generalize well to new data. For example, in healthcare applications like tumor classification, distorted decision boundaries can lead to severe misdiagnoses, putting lives at risk.

Security Risks

Data poisoning can pave the way for more advanced attacks, such as adversarial or backdoor attacks. These are often harder to detect and can bypass existing security protocols. In regulated industries, a compromised model may also violate data protection laws, leading to legal consequences.

Case Studies

It’s crucial to underscore that data poisoning is not a theoretical concern but an immediate and practical risk. Recent research drives this point home. According to the study, the researchers were able to demonstrate that with just $60 USD, they could have poisoned 0.01% of the LAION-400M or COYO-700M datasets. This is a real-world implication that underscores the need for immediate action to secure AI and ML systems. Read the full paper here.

Autonomous Vehicles

In the realm of autonomous vehicles, data poisoning attacks have significant implications for safety [1,2,3]. Researchers have demonstrated that injecting poisoned data into the training set can lead a self-driving car to misinterpret road signs. For example, a stop sign could be misclassified as a speed limit sign, causing the vehicle to accelerate instead of stopping. This sort of error could result in collisions and put human lives at risk. Such attacks underscore the need for robust data verification techniques specifically designed for safety-critical systems like autonomous vehicles.

Healthcare Models

Data integrity is paramount in healthcare, where machine learning models are used for everything from diagnostic imaging to treatment recommendations. Poisoned data can lead to misdiagnoses or incorrect treatment plans [4]. For instance, if a machine learning model trained to identify tumors is fed poisoned data, it might incorrectly classify a malignant tumor as benign, delaying essential treatment and endangering the patient’s life. Given the high stakes, data security measures are crucial in healthcare applications.

Financial Fraud Detection

Financial institutions often rely on machine learning models to detect fraudulent transactions. In a data poisoning attack, an attacker could subtly alter training data to manipulate the model’s behavior [5]. This could result in the model incorrectly flagging legitimate transactions as fraudulent, causing inconvenience to customers and incurring additional verification costs. Conversely, the model might fail to recognize actual fraudulent transactions, leading to financial losses and eroding customer trust.

Recommendation Systems

In the context of e-commerce and streaming services, recommendation systems are vulnerable to data poisoning attacks aimed at skewing product or content preferences [6]. An attacker, for example, could inject fake user preferences into the training data to make a poorly reviewed movie appear prominently on a streaming service’s recommendation list. Such manipulation doesn’t just affect the user experience; it can also result in lost revenue and damaged reputations for service providers.

What Happens if Data Gets Poisoned?

Financial Sector

In trading algorithms, poisoned data can cause false triggers for buy or sell orders, leading to market manipulation and financial instability. Regulatory action could follow, causing long-term reputational damage for the company responsible for the algorithm.


In predictive healthcare models, poisoned data could result in misdiagnoses, leading to incorrect treatments that could put lives at risk. Moreover, the medical institution may face lawsuits, loss of accreditation, or a decline in patient trust.


In intrusion detection systems, data poisoning could lead to false negatives, where real threats go undetected, or false positives, where benign activities are flagged. Either way, the result is a less secure environment, vulnerable to further attacks and potential data breaches.

Mitigation Strategies

Data Sanitization

Data sanitization involves rigorous pre-processing steps to identify and remove suspicious or anomalous data points from the training set. This can include statistical methods for outlier detection, as well as machine learning techniques like anomaly detection algorithms. Sanitization is often the first line of defense against data poisoning and is crucial for maintaining data integrity. It can significantly reduce the risk of a model being compromised, but it does require continuous updates to adapt to new types of poisoning strategies.

Model Regularization

Model regularization techniques like L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) regularization add a penalty term to the model’s objective function to constrain its complexity. By doing so, regularization makes the model less sensitive to small fluctuations in the training data, thereby increasing its robustness against poisoned data points. While regularization may not entirely prevent poisoning attacks, it can mitigate their impact by making it more difficult for the attacker to drastically alter the model’s behavior.

Real-time Monitoring

Based on my background in cybersecurity, I find the approach of real-time monitoring particularly compelling. This strategy brings AI and machine learning security closer to traditional cybersecurity paradigms, helping to integrate them seamlessly into existing security processes. Real-time monitoring involves continuously tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) of the machine learning model to detect any unusual patterns or deviations. Specialized tools and services are already available on the market that facilitate the integration of model monitoring into existing cybersecurity monitoring and detection systems.

Alerts can be configured to notify system administrators immediately of any sudden drops in performance metrics like accuracy or precision. This enables swift intervention, which is crucial for minimizing the impact of an ongoing data poisoning attack. However, it’s essential to note that these monitoring tools must be paired with well-defined playbooks or runbooks for immediate response to be truly effective.

Third-Party Audits

Having external cybersecurity experts audit the machine learning system can reveal vulnerabilities that the internal team might overlook. Third-party audits can examine the data pipelines, model architecture, and overall system configuration for potential weaknesses that could be exploited for data poisoning. These audits provide an additional layer of security and can offer targeted recommendations for improving the system’s resilience against poisoning attacks.

Data Provenance

One effective approach to counteract these attacks is by leveraging data provenance. This includes:

  1. Data Provenance Tracking: This involves maintaining a record of the origin and history of each data point in the training set. By understanding where data comes from and the transformations it has undergone, we can assess its trustworthiness.
  2. Provenance Verification: Before incorporating a data point into the training set, its provenance is verified. This can be done using cryptographic techniques, timestamps, or by cross-referencing with trusted data sources.
  3. Anomaly Detection: By analyzing the provenance information, anomalies or patterns that deviate from the norm can be detected. Such anomalies might indicate malicious intent or corrupted data.
  4. Data Filtering: Data points with suspicious or unverified provenance can be filtered out or given less weight during the training process. This ensures that the model is trained only on trustworthy data.
  5. Continuous Monitoring: Even after initial training, the model’s performance and the incoming data’s provenance should be continuously monitored. This helps in detecting any late-stage poisoning attempts and taking corrective actions.

By integrating data provenance into the machine learning pipeline, we can add an additional layer of security, ensuring that models are robust and resistant to poisoning attacks.


Data poisoning not only undermines the effectiveness of machine learning models but also poses substantial risks to various sectors, from healthcare and finance to autonomous driving and e-commerce. Given its insidious nature, it is paramount to understand the different types of poisoning attacks, their potential impact, and the areas they can affect. With this knowledge in hand, we can tailor our defense strategies, such as data sanitization, model regularization, real-time monitoring, and third-party audits, to effectively thwart such attacks.

As machine learning and AI technologies increasingly infiltrate our daily lives and critical infrastructures, the urgency to fortify these systems cannot be overstated. The sophistication of data poisoning attacks is likely to grow in tandem with advancements in machine learning algorithms, making the need for a multi-layered, adaptive security approach more crucial than ever.

By proactively addressing the challenges posed by data poisoning, we can pave the way for safer, more reliable machine learning models, safeguarding not just the technology but also the myriad applications and human lives that depend on it.


  1. Chen, Y., Zhu, X., Gong, X., Yi, X., & Li, S. (2022). Data poisoning attacks in Internet-of-vehicle networks: taxonomy, state-of-the-art, and future directions. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(1), 20–28.
  2. Wang, S., Li, Q., Cui, Z., Hou, J., & Huang, C. (2023). Bandit-based data poisoning attack against federated learning for autonomous driving models. Expert Systems with Applications, 227, 120295.
  3. Cui, C., Du, H., Jia, Z., He, Y., Yang, Y., & Jin, M. (2022, December). Data Poisoning Attack Using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. In 2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
  4. Verde, L., Marulli, F., & Marrone, S. (2021). Exploring the impact of data poisoning attacks on machine learning model reliability. Procedia Computer Science, 192, 2624–2632.
  5. Paladini, T., Monti, F., Polino, M., Carminati, M., & Zanero, S. (2023). Fraud Detection Under Siege: Practical Poisoning Attacks and Defense Strategies. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security.
  6. Huang, H., Mu, J., Gong, N. Z., Li, Q., Liu, B., & Xu, M. (2021). Data poisoning attacks to deep learning based recommender systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.02644.

Originally published at https://defence.ai on July 20, 2023.



Marin Ivezic

Partner @PwC — Lead OT, IoT, 5G Security | 30y red teaming & protecting critical infrastructure, telcos, cyber-physical systems, emerging tech | 5x Global CISO